A Podiatrist Explains Why “Every Shoe Is A Walking Shoe”

It’s tempting to treat your shoe rack like a toolbox. For each situation, there’s a product in the $133 billion shoe industry to fit it, from workout shoes to hiking, running, and yes, even walking shoes!  But do we need to have a specialized shoe for something as fundamental and human as walking? Massachusetts-based podiatrist Dr. […]

Flat Feet, High Arches, and Running Barefoot

Not infrequently, when the topic of barefoot running comes up, or someone takes a look at my Xero Shoes, whomever I’m speaking with will say: I can’t do that. I need support. Oh? I’ll respond. Why do you need support? Then something happens that I love. I get one of two seemingly contradictory answers. Either: […]

How to Walk Barefoot

I expect (and kind of hope) that many people reading the title of this section will think, “Uh, I don’t need instruction about how to walk. I’ve been doing it all my life.” I also expect (and definitely hope) that others will read the title and think, “Finally, the answer to my most burning question! […]